Dental CleaningThe American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. In addition, routine cleanings from a dental professional are also encouraged. Our professionals at McHenry Smile Center have specialized training that allows us to examine and clean your teeth in ways that you are unable to do for yourself. Basic routine cleanings and at-home oral hygiene can prevent periodontitis and other serious dental conditions. During our cleanings, we provide scaling, polishing, flossing, fluoride, if needed, and oral evaluation. Scaling, Polishing, and FlossingScaling, flossing, and polishing are the three basic components of any dental cleaning. Scaling is the first step, where we remove any plaque or tartar that has built up on your teeth and gumline. We use a special instrument, called a scaler, to do this. A scaler is a metal dental tool that has a pointed tip, which allows it to easily latch onto debris. Once this is done, we will polish your teeth using an electric toothbrush and textured toothpaste. The electric toothbrush is designed to brush each tooth individually so that we can ensure all bacteria and stains are removed. We spray the toothpaste off and allow you to rinse your mouth following the polishing. After polishing, we will floss your teeth using traditional dental floss. You may use this at home, or you may use picks or a water flosser. After flossing your teeth, our dental hygienist will inform our dentist so that your evaluation can begin. FluorideIf necessary, we will also apply fluoride after cleaning your teeth. Fluoride is a mineral found in water that helps to strengthen and protect your teeth. Generally speaking, adults have enough fluoride in their diet to sustain their teeth. However, for children and people who do not have enough fluoride for whatever reason, we will provide a fluoride treatment. We use a fluoride gel, foam, or varnish to apply the fluoride to your teeth. We may also recommend fluoride products, such as toothpaste or mouth rinses containing the mineral. Oral EvaluationOnce all of the cleaning is complete, you will meet with our dentist. This is your chance to address any questions or concerns you may have. At this time, our dentist will provide a visual exam of your teeth and review any dental x-rays that were taken, if applicable. Dental x-rays are provided once a year in most cases. This helps to monitor dental development and let us know about any underlying issues that we cannot see on the surface. Additionally, our dentist will check for signs of oral cancer. This includes lesions, discoloring, growths or ulcers, and other unusual changes in the mouth. You can also let them know if you have been experiencing any tooth sensitivity, pain, or other symptoms. If our dentist does discover an issue, such as oral cancer symptoms or a cavity, they will discuss the next steps with you. This may include further testing, specialist referral, or scheduling a dental treatment. For additional information on routine cleanings and other services, please call (815) 578-1000 to speak with someone today. |